Master's Programme
The Master's programme follows a first university degree qualifying for a profession. The Master's degree programme teaches basic, advanced subject-related and scientific-methodological competences.
Master's Programmes at the Faculty of Arts
Institute of Philosophy
Institute of Psychology
Institute of Political Science and Sociology
Institute of Historical Science
- History66
Institute of German Philology, Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies77
- German Language and Literature77
- Comparative Literature88
- Linguistics99
- Scandinavian Studies1010
- German and Comparative Literature (with University of St Andrews)1111
Institute of English, American and Celtic Studies
Institute of Classical and Romanic Philology
- German-French Studies
- German-Italian Studies
- Romance Studies1717
- Renaissance-Studies1818
- Latin American Cultural Studies/Estudios culturales de América Latina1919
- Spanish Culture and European Identity2020
Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies
Institute of General Linguistics, Media Studies and Musicology
Institute of Art History
- Art History2525
- European and Asian Art History2626
- Provenance Research and History of Collecting2727
Institute of Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology
- Archaeological Sciences
- Anthropology of the Americas2929
- Transcultural Studies/Cultural Anthropology3030
Interdisciplinary Master's Programmes
- Interreligious Studies - Philosophy of Religions3131
- Dependency and Slavery Studies3232
- Slavery Studies3333
- Medieval Studies3434
Master’s degree for continuing education
Structure of the Programme
For each Master's programme you must complete 120 credit points:- a subject with compulsory and elective modules (90 credit points)
- a Master's thesis (30 credit points)

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